Our Story
Here is the extremely abbreviated version of how our family came to be!
On a hot summer morning in May 2006, I received the most wonderful blessing of my life, Callie Elizabeth.
The pregnancy had been a difficult one and I was ready to venture out into the world of single parenting. I had no idea the amount of love that would explode from my heart the moment I saw her face. My world was changed forever.
Here she is 2 days old. (Yes, she had a TON of hair).
The next few years, I poured myself into motherhood. Throughout my pregnancy, people only told me how tired I was going to be and how I would be looking foward to coming back to work....they were wrong. My heart literally broke at the thought of leaving her and so to make a long story REALLY short- I didn't. I had a few (as in 2) college credits and decided to start back to school. Nothing has ever felt so natural to me as being a mother. I loved it. I went to school at my own pace because I felt such strong convictions about my time with Callie. My mom was instrumental in making this possible for me. I spent the next 4 years doing a lot of this...
During this time, I would be lying if I said I didn't have a strong desire to get married. All of my freinds had families and I wanted that. But it was a time where Jesus said, "Wait." I'm not good at waiting but I did. Long talks with my best friend, spoke into my heart what my conversations with Jesus had already said...that He had a plan for me and it will be worth it to wait. During this time, the Lord did so much in my heart. He gave me a stability and security in Him that I had always needed. He gave me a pure desire to follow Him that was more fufilling than anything I had ever known. As an added bonus ( I've learned these are always there when you obey Jesus) he put a passion in my heart to assist other single parents and encourage them along their way.
SO, when I went on my first date with Matt (which wasn't a date..just a dinner to catch up with an old friend), I wasn't at all looking for a husband. Callie and I had and established life and "groove" and were blissfully happy. My first date with Matt was at Texas Roadhouse. He was teaching at a community college in Kentucky. I had known Matt since I was 15 and never thought about him as anything more than a friend. We had talked about getting together for some time but just as friends. After our dinner, he asked me to sew a button on his peacoat (true story) and that he happened to be coming back in the next weekend. After our second date (and a forgotten peacoat) I knew I liked him...but liking someone was uncomfortable for me. That feeling threatened my safe little place I had made...and this was a good thing. After our second date, we talked every day. I fell in love with him so quickly and it was so out of my control ( I have control issues). I prayed that if this was not God's will, it would end or remain a friendship. God reassured me that He would never let my heart be broken if it was with Him. We grew together in our faith and in friendship.
I was nervous about Callie and Matt meeting because I didn't know how she would react. Needless to say, she loved him. The first time they met, we went to Thanksgiving dinner at my childhood best friend's home...which is amazing. I looked out the window and Callie grabbed Matt's hand and was cracking up laughing. I took a picture of that day:)
In April of 2011, Matthew proposed and Callie helped:) It was a really exciting day.
Two days after I graduated college...
We moved to Kentucky!
And here we are:)
Thank you for sharing your story. I'm excited to follow your journey!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your story of how God really blessed you for your obedience. What a testimony! -Wow!-