Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Smores Cracker Candy

This recipe is a dessert staple at our home.. Sarah and I always swap recipes and she told me about this one. It's like crack...you can't stop eating it. Even my husband, the health nut, can't stop. So here it is..deliciousness.

Ingredients- 12 sheets of graham crackers, 3/4 cup butter, 3 cups of mini marshmallows ( I use the whole bag), 4 Hershey bars broken into small pieces ( I use 5 or 6), 1 cup milk chocolate chips ( again..I use a lot more).
First step// Line your cookie sheet with foil and spray with PAM. Then, line the cookie sheet with the graham crackers. Sometimes, you will need to break them to cover the whole pan...that's fine!
After you get this ready, in a medium saucepan, melt butter and brown sugar over medium heat, stirring constantly, until smooth and mixture comes just to a boil (about 4-6 minutes). Remove from heat and pour evenly over crackers. Bake 5 to 6 minutes, or until bubbly.
Pour over graham crackers:)
During this time, I have my little helper breaking apart Hershey bars and letting her eat half of what she breaks:)

She was speeding through her shower so she could help with this part. My favorite person to bake with is Callie.
Sprinkle chocolate pieces over the graham crackers.
Sprinkle the chocolate chips and marshmallows on top! Immediatly place the pan back in the oven for 5-10 minutes. Oven should be preheated at 350 degrees. Bake until marshmallows begin to soften and puff up.
It's difficult to wait at age 6.
She sat there the entire time.
Even Jack waited.....ok I'll stop.
Let them cool down for just a few moments....and then break apart and enjoy!!!!

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